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School governing body 2023-2024

Headteacher: Mr S Latham
Clerk to the Governors: Ms Lisa Adams

  Nicola Rutter Frank Maguire  Oliva Edge Charlotte Norman

Nicola Fox

 Lucretia Fields Nicola Bradshaw



Category of Governor  Local Authority Foundation  Foundation  Parent Parent Foundation  Staff   
Date apppointed or re-appointed  24.11.21 29.04..13 10.07.19   04.07.24 14.03.19 26.01.22  
End date  23.11.25 28.04.21 09.07.23     13.03.23 25.01.25  
Elected by  Local Authority Diocese  Church  Elected by School Elected by School Diocese  Elected by staff   
Responsibilities Chair of Governors Finance       SEN     
Business Interests Declared 


Member of St Andrews C of E Primary, Warrington Governing Body. 

Member of the District Primary, St Helens Governing Body.

Member and Director of the Rainbow Education Multi-Academy Trust.

None     None  None   
Material Interests Declared    None None     None  None   


Governor's Prayer

Dear Lord, 

We seek your blessing and support in all the responsibilities we bear as Governors of this school.

May we reach our decisions prompted by a desire to serve.

Grant us wisdom and understanding; of our school, our community and ourselves.

Watch over the children and staff of this school so that it may flourish according to your will.


Former governors 2018-2022



Date Appointed

Appointed by

Term of Office

Stood Down

Mrs S Bentley Head Teacher 20.06.2018 Governing Body 5 Years 17.04.23

Mrs. L. Harrison

Parent Governor



4 Years


Mr. D. Campbell

Parent Governor



4 Years


Mr. G. Bowkett Foundation  05.07.2018 Diocese 1 year  31.12.2018
Mrs. J Warlow  Foundation  24.11.2009 Diocese 4 years  10.07.19
Mrs S Graham  Local Authority 13.07.18 Local Authority  4 years  15.10.19
Mrs A Barrick  Staff Governor  01.12.16 Staff  4 years  30.11.20
Mrs P Johnson  Foundation  05.05.16 Diocese 4 years  24.06.21
Rev Rebecca Roberts Vicar  01.07.16 Church  whilst in post  24.06.21
Miss J Hargreaves  Staff 01.12.20 Staff  1 year  31.12.21
Mrs K Woods  Parent Governor 10.07.19 Parents  4 years  24.05.22
Mrs A Zwolan  Parent Governor  05.03.19 Parents

4 years


What do governors do at Birchwood C of E Primary School?

Together with our Headteacher, they are responsible for making sure our school provides good quality education.
They are involved in lots of the decision making that ensures the smooth running of the school but also its development.
New initiatives are often discussed and planned by the governors. In this way the governors are critical to the success and future improvement of the school.

What skills do governors need?

No formal qualifications are necessary but our school is keen to attract people in the community who can bring energy, experience, commitment and fresh ideas.

Being a governor can be very rewarding!

Despite the fact that governors are volunteers, they can get a great deal from the work and time they put in. It gives them a chance to:

  • make a difference to how well schools are run
  • see how their efforts help raise standards
  • do something positive for the next generation
  • serve the local community
  • help realise their own potential by learning new skills
  • enjoy working in a team

How much of your time is needed?

Our Governing Body meets at least once a term, usually after school or in the early evening. In addition, governors need to attend committee meetings, school events and appropriate training. Governors are encouraged to visit our school during the day to see us in action, and to get to know the staff and pupils. Governors usually serve for four years.

Our school is part of a local partnership, the Chair and Headteacher meet on a termly basis with their counterparts from these schools. Support & training is always an agenda item at these meetings.

What support will you receive?

Support, training and guidance are available from our school. If you would like to find out more about being a governor please contact the school office for an informal chat.

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