"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
Psalm 19:1
Subject Lead: Mrs N Bradshaw

Primary Science Quality mark - gilt award
As a school, we are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark for our work in Science.
Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) is the only national award scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools. Schools achieve a PSQM through a year-long process of the initial audit, followed by action and evidenced-based reflection.
We will always continue to develop Science and provide as many rich and exciting opportunities as possible for all the children here at Birchwood C of E Primary School.
We are very proud of all we have achieved this year at Birchwood and would love to share with you all our accomplishments. If you would like to view our final portfolio submission for the PSQM mark, please click on the tab below.
At Birchwood C of E Primary School our vision for science is to provide a curriculum which offers the children the opportunity to explore the world, so that they have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live. We aim to nurture children’s curiosity through fun and engaging experiences that inspire high level questioning.
Science is all around us and is an important part of our daily life. We encourage our children to think scientifically about the world around them in an exciting, yet educational way. We provide the children with endless opportunities to delve into practical investigations, where they will explore new learning, new scientific vocabulary, working collaboratively with their peers and embracing challenges to build on previous learning.
Our children at Birchwood will have a richer knowledge of science through the five enquiry types that embed our science curriculum. Our children will complete lessons with a great understanding of what enquiry type they have worked with during that lesson, strengthening their knowledge and their confidence to work scientifically.
Together as staff and children, we created our vision and principles for the teaching and learning of science here at Birchwood. As you will see, these aims are fundamental to our Science curriculum, ensuring a knowledge rich and cohesive syallbus.